- This page lists my principal publications, with links where available. Articles are reproduced in their final submission format and so are not necessarily exactly as they appeared in print.
1983 Structures and Transformations: the Romance Verb (London: Croom Helm).
1988 Songs from the Spanish Cancioneros (with Christine J. Whitbourn) (Kilkenny: Boethius Press).
1992 Using Spanish: A Guide to Contemporary Usage. (with R.E. Batchelor) (Cambridge: University Press).
1995 A Comprehensive Spanish Grammar, adapted and with additional material by Christopher J. Pountain (English version of J. De Bruyne, Spaanse Spraakkunst) (Oxford: Blackwell).
1997 Modern Spanish Grammar. A Practical Guide. (with Juan Kattán Ibarra) (London: Routledge).
2000 Practising Spanish Grammar (with Teresa de Carlos) (London: Arnold).
2001 A History of the Spanish Language through Texts (London: Routledge). [Link to publisher]. See also the additional unpublished texts which are now available.
2003 Modern Spanish Grammar. A Practical Guide. (with Juan Kattán Ibarra), 2nd edition (London: Routledge). [Link to publisher]
2003 Exploring the Spanish Language (London: Arnold). [Link to publisher]
2005 Using Spanish: A Guide to Contemporary Usage. (with R.E. Batchelor), 2nd edition. (Cambridge: University Press). [Link to publisher]
2006 Practising Spanish Grammar. A Workbook. (with Teresa de Carlos and Angela Howkins), 2nd edition. (London: Arnold). [Link to publisher]
2011 Practising Spanish Grammar. A Workbook. (with Teresa de Carlos and Angela Howkins), 3rd edition. (London: Hodder). [Link to publisher]
2016 Exploring the Spanish Language. An introduction to its structures and varieties. 2nd edition. (London and New York: Routledge). [Link to publisher]
2023 El mundo hispanohablante en textos / Reading the Spanish-Speaking World (with Irene Macías Fernáandez). (London and New York: Routledge). [Link to publisher]
Edited books
2008 with Hilary Pomeroy & Elena Romero (eds), Proceedings of the Fourteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies (26-28 June 2006) (London: Department of Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary, University of London)
2012 with Hilary Pomeroy & Elena Romero (eds), Selected Papers from the Fifteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies (29-31 July 2008) (London: Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Queen Mary, University of London)
2013 with M. Mar Encinas-Puente (eds), Tales of the World / Cuentos del mundo: Intercultural Dialogues: Building Solidarity through Languages / Diálogos entre culturas: construyendo solidaridad a través de las lenguas (smArt of Selling Factory S.L.) ISBN: 978-84-941026-4-6. (Anthology of short stories by final-year students at Queen Mary, University of London)
2021 with Bozena Wislocka Breit (eds), New Worlds for Old Words / Mundos nuevos para viejas palabras. The impact of cultured borrowing on the languages of Western Europe / El impacto de los cultismos en los idiomas de Europa occidental. (Wilmington, Delaware / Málaga: Vernon Press) [Link to publisher]
1982 ‘*ESSERE/STARE as a Romance Phenomenon’, in Nigel Vincent & Martin Harris (eds), Studies in the Romance Verb. Essays Offered to Joe Cremona on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. (London: Croom Helm), pp.139-60. [Link to article (pdf format)]
1984 ‘How “become” became in Castilian’, in Richard A. Cardwell (ed), Essays in honour of Robert Brian Tate from his colleagues and pupils (Nottingham: University of Nottingham Monographs in the Humanities), pp. 101-11.
1984 ‘La noción de “devenir” en español’, in Boletín de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español, 31.111-6.
1985 ‘Copulas, verbs of possession and auxiliaries in Old Spanish: the evidence for structurally interdependent changes’, in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 62.337-55.
1992 ‘La notion de devenir en roman’, in Revue de Linguistique Romane, 56, 427-37.
1993 ‘Spanish Adjective Negation’, in David Mackenzie & Ian Michael (eds), Hispanic Linguistic Studies in honour of F.W. Hodcroft (Llangrannog: Dolphin), pp. 107-126.
1993 ‘Aspect and voice: questions about passivization in Spanish’, in Journal of Hispanic Research, 1, 167-181. [Link to article]
1993 ‘De la construçion de los verbos después de sí: la transitividad en la tradición gramatical española’, in Ralph Penny (ed.) Actas del Primer Congreso Anglo-Hispano (Madrid: Castalia), pp.89-98. [Link to article]
1994 ‘The Castilian reflexes of ABHORRERE/ABHORRESCERE: a case-study in valency’, in Coman Lupu & Glanville Price (eds), Hommages offerts à Maria Manoliu-Manea (Bucharest: Pluralia/Logos), pp.122-48. [Link to article]
1994 ‘Syntactic anglicisms in Spanish: innovation or exploitation?’, in M.M. Parry, W.V. Davies & R.A.M. Davies (eds), The Changing Voices of Europe (Cardiff: University of Wales Press/MHRA), pp.109-24. [Link to article (pdf format)]
1995 ‘El difícil problema de la posición del adjetivo atributivo en español’, Donaire, 4, 42-51.
1995 ‘Infinitives with overt subjects: a pragmatic approach’, in T.F. Earle & Nigel Griffin (eds), Portuguese, Brazilian and African Studies: Studies presented to Clive Willis on his retirement (Warminster: Aris & Phillips), pp.11-25. [Link to article (pdf format)]
1996 ‘Attributive adjective position in the PMC’, in Brian Powell & Geoffrey West (eds) Al que en buen hora naçio: Essays on the Spanish Epic and Ballad in Honour of Colin Smith (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press/MHRA), pp.129-46.
1998 ‘Gramática mítica del gerundio castellano’, in Aengus M. Ward (ed), Actas del XII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Birmingham 1995. I. Medieval y Lingüística (Birmingham: University Press), pp.284-92.
1998 ‘Nuevo enfoque de la posición del adjetivo atributivo’, in Giovanni Ruffino (ed), Atti del XXI Congresso Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza, Palermo, 18-24 settembre 1995,II. Morfologia e sintassi delle lingue romanze (Tübingen: Niemeyer), pp.607-708.
1998 ‘Person and voice in the Spanish infinitive’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool), 75, 393-410.
1998 ‘Learnèd Syntax and the Romance Languages: the "accusative and infinitive" construction with declarative verbs in Castilian’, Transactions of the Philological Society, 96.2, 159-201.
1999 ‘Spanish and English in the 21st Century’, Donaire, 12, 33-42. [Link to article]
2000 ‘Pragmatic Factors in the Evolution of the Romance Reflexive (with special reference to Spanish)’, Hispanic Research Journal, 1.1, 5-25. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2000 ‘Capitalization’, in John Charles Smith & Delia Bentley (eds), Historical Linguistics 1995, Volume 1: General Issues and non-Germanic Languages (Amsterdam: Benjamins), pp.295-309. [Link to article] [Link to publisher]
2000 ‘La supuesta ambigüedad del reflexivo español’, in Annick Englebert, Michel Pierrard, Laurence Rosier & Dan Van Raemdonck (eds), Actes du 22e Congrès de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, VII (Tübingen: Niemeyer), pp.615-24. [Link to article (pdf format)] [Link to publisher]
2003 ‘Pragmatic and Structural Reflections on the Expression of the Second Person Notion in Romance, with Special Reference to Spanish and Portuguese’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 80.2, 145-160. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2005 ‘Gender without Sex: the semantic exploitation of the masculine/feminine opposition in the history of Spanish’ in Roger Wright & Peter Ricketts (eds), Studies on Ibero-Romance Linguistics Dedicated to Ralph Penny (Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs), pp.329-48. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2006 ‘Gender and Spanish Agentive Suffixes: Where the Motivated Meets the Arbitrary’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 83.1, 19-42. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2006 ‘Syntactic Borrowing as a Function of Register’, in Anna Laura Lepschy & Arturo Tosi (eds), Rethinking Languages in Contact. The Case of Italian. (Oxford: Legenda), pp.99-111. [Link to article (pdf format)] [Link to publisher]
2006 ‘Towards a history of register in Spanish’, in Spanish in Context, 3:1, 5-24. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2007 ‘‘Spanglish”: myths and realities’, Vida Hispánica, 35, 14-18.
2008 ‘Las distintas gramáticas de los relativos españoles’, in Concepción Company Company & José G. Moreno de Alba (eds), Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española (Mérida, Yucatán), Vol.1, pp.967-980. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2009 ‘Variation in Address Forms in 16th-Century Spanish Prose Drama’, in Sanda Reinheimer-Rîpeanu (ed), Stvdia Lingvistica in honorem Mariae Manoliu (Bucharest, Editura Universității din Bucureşti), pp.282-293. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2011 ‘Latin and the Structure of Written Romance’, in Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith & Adam Ledgeway (eds), The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Volume I: Structures (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp.606-659. [Link to publisher's website]
2011 ‘Putting Philology back into Linguistics’, Hispanic Research Journal, 12.2, 99-117.
2011 ‘Keith Whinnom the Linguist’, in Alan Deyermond (ed), Keith Whinnom after Twenty Years: His Work and Its Influence. Papers of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar 53 (London: Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Queen Mary, University of London), pp.25-42.
2012 ‘Spanish Among the Ibero-Romance Languages’, in José Ignacio Hualde, Antxon Olarrea & Erin O'Rourke (eds), The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics (Malden MA / Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell), pp.47-64.
2012 ‘Dislocación popular y dislocación culta en la comedia en prosa del Siglo de Oro español’, in Barbara Wehr & Frédéric Nicolosi (eds), Pragmatique historique et syntaxe / Historische Pragmatik und Syntax. Actes de la section du même nom du XXXIè Romanistentag allemand / Akten der gleichnamigen Sektion des XXXI. Deutschen Romanistentags (Bonn, 27.9. - 1.10.2009). (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang), pp.140-156.
2012 ‘Valores sociolingüísticos y funcionales de los posesivos en el español peninsular del siglo XVI’, in Emilio Montero (ed.), Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española (Santiago de Compostela, 14-18 de septiembre de 2009), I (Santiago de Compostela: Meubook), pp.1059-1072. [Link to article]
2013 (with Mari C. Jones) ‘Romance outside the Romània’, in Martin Maiden, John Charles Smith & Adam Ledgeway (eds), The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages. Volume II: Contexts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp.361-399. [Link to publisher's website]
2014 ‘Preposición + que en español’. Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México, 2, 9-54. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2015 ‘Que-deletion: the rise and fall of a syntactic fashion', in Francisco Dubert García, Gabriel Rei-Doval & Xulio Sousa (eds), En memoria de tanto miragre. Estudos dedicados ó profesor David Mackenzie. (Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico), pp. 143-159. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2015 ‘Lo + adjetivo: por la exaptación a la capitalización’, in José Marí García Martín (dir.), Teresa Bastardín Candón & Manuel Rivas Zancarrón (coords), Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española (Cádiz, 2012) (Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert), I, 1035-1048. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2016 ‘Standardization’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp.634-643. [Link to publisher's website]
2016 ‘Tradiciones de discurso y Santa Teresa’, Scriptum Digital, 5, 5-23. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2017 ‘The Three Ls of Modern Foreign Languages: Language, Linguistics, Literature’, Hispanic Research Journal, 18:3, 253-271. [Link to article]
2018 ‘Variation and the use of discourse markers in 16th-century Spanish’, in Miriam Bouzouita, Ioanna Sitaridou and Enrique Pato (eds), Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morpho-Syntax (Amsterdam / New York: Benjamins), pp. 303-324.
2018 ‘Traditions of Discourse and Santa Teresa’, in Terence O'Reilly, Colin Thompson & Lesley Twomey (eds), St Teresa of Ávila: Her Writings and Life (Cambridge: Legenda), pp. 213-231.
2019 ‘ Development of the Articles in Castilian: A Functional Approach’, Languages 4, 20. [Link to article]
2019 ‘Sustantivos de género «ambiguo»: ¿adfuncionalización de una categoría morfológica redundante?, in María Luisa Arnal Purroy, Rosa María Castañer Martín, José María Enguita Utrilla, Vicente Lagüéns Gracia & María Antonia Martín Zorraquino (eds), Actas del X Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, vol. I, pp. 867-882. [Link to article]
2019 ‘Modern Languages as an academic discipline: the linguistic component’, Language, Culture and Curriculum, 32.3, 244-260. DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2019.1661153
2019 (with Isabel García Ortiz) ‘La investigación de las voces cultas a través de los corpus históricos’, Revista Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, 14 (2019), 47-76. [Link to article]
2020 ‘Copulas in the Romance Languages’, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (Oxford University Press). DOI: [Link]
2020 ‘Transnational Dimensions in the History of Spanish’, in Catherine Davies & Rory O’Bryen (eds), Transnational Spanish Studies (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press), pp.43-57. ISBN: 978-1-789-62135-8 (hardback), 978-1-789-62136-5 (paperback). [Link to publisher]
2020 ‘Mi «último» saludo: historia de un préstamo culto’, in Carmen Escobedo de Tapia, Jorge Luis Bueno Alonso & Carolina Taboada Ferrero (eds), Contigo Aprendí: Estudios en homenaje al Profesor José Caramés Lage (Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo), pp. 135-157. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2021 ‘Cultured borrowing of verbs: the case of the Spanish -ir conjugation’, in Christopher J. Pountain & Bozena Wislocka Breit (eds), New Worlds for Old Words / Mundos nuevos para viejas palabras. The impact of cultured borrowing on the languages of Western Europe / El impacto de los cultismos en los idiomas de Europa occidental. (Wilmington, Delaware / Málaga: Vernon Press), pp. 173-189. [Link to publisher]
2021 ‘Where has all the grammar gone?’, in Ana de Medeiros & Debra Kelly (eds), Language Debates. Theory and Reality in Language Learning, Teaching and Research (London: John Murray Learning), pp. 62-75. [Link to publisher]
2022 (with Bozena Wislocka Breit, Rocío Díaz-Bravo & Isabel García Ortiz) ‘How old words become new (and then old again)’, in Catherine Boyle & Debra Kelly (eds), Language Acts and Worldmaking, How and Why the Languages We Use Shape Our World and Lives. (London: John Murray Learning), pp. 166-209. [Link to publisher]
2022 (with Rodica Zafiu) ‘Register, Genre and Style in the Romance Languages’, in Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 817-844. [Link to publisher]. The full list of references can be found at
2022 ‘The Spanish “present participle”: lexical elaboration of a morphosyntactic gap?’, Romanistisches Jahrbuch, 73 (1), 299-328. [Link to article]
2023 ‘El cambio sintáctico en español (Syntactic Change in Spanish)’, in Guillermo Rojo, Victoria Vázquez Rozas and Rena Torres Cacoullos (eds), Sintaxis del español. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Syntax., pp. 513-525. [Link to publisher]
2023 ‘Latín y romance como lenguas de cultura desde 1450 hasta 1700 (Latin and romance as languages of culture from 1450 to 1700)’, in Steven N. Dworkin, Gloria Clavería Nadal & Álvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta (eds), Lingüística histórica del español. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics (London / New York: Routledge), pp. 438-449. [Link to publisher]
2023 ‘Tracing “change from above”: the diastratic and diaphasic trajectory of Spanish cultured borrowings’, in Adina Dragomirescu, Carmen Mîrzea Vasile, Cristian Moroianu, Isabela Nedelcu & Andra Vasilescu (eds), Rodica Zafiu: lingvista, profesoara, colega, prietena (Bucureşti: Editura Universității din Bucureşti / Bucharest University Press), pp. 719-732.
2023 ‘Cuantificar la variación diafásica en un texto literario: problemas metodológicos en el análisis sintáctico del habla de los personajes de los dramas en prosa de Lope de Rueda’, in Bert Cornillie, Giulia Mazzola & Miriam Thegel (eds), La tradicionalidad discursiva y la lingüística de corpus: conceptos y aplicaciones (Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana / Vervuert), pp. 185-207. [Link to publisher]
2024 ‘Los cultismos de cada día: los prefijos cultos de intensificación’, in Alejandro Junquera Martínez, María Cristina Egido Fernández & José Ramón Morala Rodríguez (eds), Actas del XII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lenguas Española (León: Universidad de León), pp. 431-442. [Link to article (pdf format)]
2024 (with Gloria Clavería Nadal) ‘Una relatinización léxica y morfológica: el caso de los verbos en -ir en español’, Revue des langues romanes, 128.2. [Link to article]
2016 Review of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed.), Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica (London and New York: Routledge, 2016). Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 3.1, 74-79.
Electronic publications
1997 'Frontiers, linguistic and political' (Contribution to a Round Table discussion at 'Language, Literature and Frontier', Forum for Iberian Studies, The Queen's College, Oxford, 17 May 1997). [Link]
2008 'The Genius of Language' (Lecture given at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 27 November 2008 [Link (pdf format)] [Local link (pdf format)]
2011 'A "big language" - dimensions of variation in modern Spanish' (Talk given at an MFL Workshop at Aston University, 3 June 2011 [Link (pdf format] [Local link (pdf format)]
2018 Additional texts for A History of the Spanish Language through Texts (2001) [Local link (pdf format)]